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Weekly Devotional 

Lenten Bible Study (click here)



Bible Readings for March 24

Isaiah 50:4–9a: How do you reflect the servant in this reading?
Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29: How are you rejoicing in this day that the Lord has made? How are you blessing “the one who comes in the name of the Lord”?
Philippians 2:5–11: How does this hymn of the early Christian community speak to you as you prepare for Holy Week?
Mark 11:1–11: Spend some time imagining the scene of Jesus entering Jerusalem. Where are you in the scene? What do you see? What do you hear around you? What do you feel as you watch this event?


Bible Readings for March 17

Jeremiah 31:31-34: What are the covenant relationships in your life? How do you fulfill your part of the covenant with God?
Psalm 51:1-12: What are the things that clutter your heart, limiting your availability to fully love?
Hebrews 5:5-10: When have you offered your prayers “with loud cries and tears” as Jesus did? How does knowing Jesus’ vulnerability impact your life of faith?
John 12:20-33: How does this example of the grain of wheat help

you to understand Jesus’ crucifixion and death?


Bible Readings for March 10

Numbers 21:4–9: When do you complain to God? Does your complaining ever interfere with your sense of God’s presence with you?
Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22: What practice helps you to thank God each day for God’s steadfast love?
Ephesians 2:1–10: How does your sense of God’s salvation and grace move you to do good works?
John 3:14–21: How do you act as a creature of light in the world? What are your “deeds that have been done in God”?


Bible Readings for March 3

Exodus 20:1–17: How do you keep God as the central focus of your life? What draws you away from that focus?
Psalm 19: In what ways do you experience God’s laws as “sweeter . . . than honey”? When do you find yourself trying to resist God’s laws?
1 Corinthians 1:18–25: What does it mean to you that “God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom”?
John 2:13–22: How do you respond to Jesus’ anger and actions in this reading? Do his actions fit with the way you generally picture Jesus?







Tel: 506-773-9932
Fax: 506-773-9932

St. Andrews United Church
188 Wellington St., Miramichi, NB E1N 1M4

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